'Liberating Abortion' focuses on the struggle for abortion rights among communities of color
Renee Bracey Sherman appeared on MSNBC’s MORNING JOE to talk about LIBERATING ABORTION, the history of Black and Brown people’s experiences with abortion, and what it will take to liberate abortion for us all.
featured excerpts
The Story of Sakinah Ahad Shannon, an Early Hero of Abortion Liberation
For The Nation, Renee Bracey Sherman and Regina Mahone share an excerpt from LIBERATING ABORTION, Chapter 2: “Jane…never left me”: The Black Women of Jane.
Sakinah discovered Chicago’s Abortion Counseling Service, better known as Jane, because she wanted to help a friend. Then she became an essential part of it.
What to Expect When You’re Expecting an Abortion
Yes! Magazine features an excerpt from LIBERATING ABORTION, Chapter 11: What to Expect When You’re Expecting an Abortion.
When it comes to the often-taboo topic of abortion, these authors are eager to share their wisdom with anyone considering accessing this form of health care.
Interviews & Media Coverage
on-screen appearances
What would a progressive vision of reproductive justice look like instead? As part of a new initiative at YES! called Progress 2025, Renee Bracey Sherman answers that question in conversation with YES! Senior Editor Sonali Kolhatkar on YES! Presents: Rising Up With Sonali.
A Progress 2025 Vision for Reproductive Justice, YES! Magazine Presents Rising Up with Sonali, September 25, 2024
“To envision a new, more encompassing future centered in reproductive justice, award-winning reproductive rights activist Renee Bracey Sherman and journalist Regina Mahone talk in-depth with a variety of Black women about building a world where women can choose to have safe and healthy pregnancies on our own terms, as well as pleasurable sex that affirms our bodies and beings.”
Renee Bracey Sherman & Regina Mahone: Liberating Abortion, hosted by Clayman Institute Writer in Residence Moira Donegan as part of the Feminism in Theory and Practice series
LAURA FLANDERS & FRIENDS: Abortion, Trans Rights & the Battle for Bodily Autonomy
“…Just last month we had the Gender Liberation March in DC…We had a tent for banned books because as they're banning sex ed, as they're banning trans youth healthcare, trans healthcare and abortion, they're also banning books…It's the same people. They're just fighting about a different thing on a different day. And so when we come together, we'll be able to stand against them.”
— Renee Bracey Sherman